How many websites can you create with your free account?
How much Storage Space are you allowed?
What is your Bandwidth Limit? (How much bandwidth are you allowed to use?)
Doesn't say
Does your tool support WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and/or Drag & Drop?
Does your tool allow you to write your own code and use it on your site?
Angel fire allows you to write your own code and use it on the website
Does your tool allow you to upload your own web pages, such as the ones you previously created by hand?
Does your tool allow you to download or export the site you create so that you could utilize it elsewhere?
I have no clue
Will there be Advertisements on your site?
Is a BLOG offered?
Blogs can be created with angel fire
What type of support is offered? Online Knowledge Base, email, telephone, or other?
Angelfire allows free members to contact them through email while anyone with a paid membership can call their headquarters to contact an angel fire support agent anytime except on major US holidays
Does your tool integrate with social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc?
The social sites that angel fire is integrated with is Facebook
Are sites you create view able on smart phones? Do they reformat themselves to be viewed on the smaller
Only premium members can have their website reformatted to be seen in a smart phone, otherwise you see the original website
Are sites you create editable on smart phones?
Does your tool supply a Graphics Library, Photo Library, and/or a Clipart Library?
Does your tool supply a Photo Editor?
How many total sites and/or users does your tool claim to support (have)? How big does your tool claim to be?
How do people get to your site? What is the URL for your site? Can you choose the URL?
They can google search and use the url to find the website
Can you use your own domain name, if you own one?
You can use a domain but you have to buy it
In what country is your tool based?